A memory from 2019.
Shelley loved Walmart shopping trips when she called home an assisted living facility. She lived there from October 2017 to July, 2020, and she loved going to Walmart with the group.
The facility took the residents twice a month. I took her at various times in between, but she loved going on the bus with her “peers” as she called the group.
I guess it gave her a sense of freedom and independence to go with the others and not me. However, she loved going with me, too. We shopped and then ate lunch at a local restaurant. At first, I wondered why she walked behind me instead of beside me. I came to realize that this is part of the disease. Her peripheral vision was declining.
There were times when the facility had no bus driver, and the tenants made lists for one facilitator to get the supplies. The residents hated this. Each one enjoyed the outing. On these instances, Shelley complained the loudest to me, and at that time, she could still voice her complaints to the director.
How I wish she could still do this! As I write this memory in March, 2022. Three years have gone by since she needed the items listed below. She can no longer express what she wants and has no clue as to what she needs.
I sent the list of supplies below to Stewart, the man who was the designated shopper. Can you imagine getting lists made by 35 occupants? Even if each list had half the items as Shelley’s did, keeping the money and goods separate had to be a huge chore.
Back in those days, I bought Dr. Suess books for her, although at that stage in her dementia, she couldn’t read, but a friend would read to her. She loved perfumes. She insisted her room had to smell good, and so did she.
I kept a small Christmas tree in her apartment. We decorated it according to seasons. This list was made around Easter time.
To the Walmart shopper
For Shelley’s Walmart Trip March 12, 2019
1) Yogurt
2) Boost
3) Resee’s peanut butter cups
4) Peanut M & M’s.
5) Dr. Seuss Book
(She already has the one fist, Two fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish book)
6) Plug in refills to make the room smell good. (I’m not sure of the brand she already has. If you can’t find it, buy a new one)
7) Can of Room spray to make room smell good.
8) Spray cologne for ladies to smell good.
9) Toilet paper
Maybe A few decorations for her Easter tree to hang on branches. Crosses, etc. If you don’t find any, that’s okay.
Thanks, Stuart! You do a good job, and I appreciate it!
For Shelley’s Walmart Trip March 12, 2019
1) Yogurt
2) Boost
3) Resee’s peanut butter cups
4) Peanut M & M’s.
5) Dr. Seuss Book
(She already has the one fist, Two fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish book)
6) Plug in refills to make the room smell good. (I’m not sure of the brand she already has. If you can’t find it, buy a new one)
7) Can of Room spray to make room smell good.
8) Spray cologne for ladies to smell good.
9) Toilet paper
Maybe A few decorations for her Easter tree to hang on branches. Crosses, etc. If you don’t find any, that’s okay.
Thanks, Stuart! You do a good job, and I appreciate it!
When I found this list, I found myself longing for those days when she could call me on her iPhone or go with me to the store.
I'll always remember the fun we had at Walmart.
I'll always remember the fun we had at Walmart.